
The SWE Boston K-12 Outreach Committee coordinates programs concerning career guidance that inform women, their families, guidance counselors, and the public in general, of the qualifications and achievements of women engineers and the opportunities open to them.

Interested in getting involved?

If you’d like to volunteer at upcoming outreach events or are looking for more ways to get involved, reach out to Emily, our VP K-12 Outreach, at outreach@sweboston.org. It’s a great way to give back and have fun along the way.

Virtual Outreach Planning Meeting on Jan 27

We will hold our quarterly outreach planning meeting on Monday, January 27 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. Join us via Zoom to discuss future outreach events and activities, including the new SWE Boston Outreach Handbook.

Save the event to your calendar.

Call for Volunteers – Help create a handbook for SWE Boston Outreach!

Emily, the VP K-12 Outreach, is creating an electronic SWE Boston Outreach Handbook to describe the supplies and steps for a variety of outreach events. This handbook will serve as a resource when creating outreach events and training outreach volunteers. Emily will meet with interested members to work on the handbook on days and times that work with their schedule.

Email Emily at outreach@sweboston.org if you enjoy documentation and would like to help create a valuable resource for SWE Boston Outreach.

Outreach Events

New outreach events are always on the horizon. For more information about participating in any of our outreach programs, email FY25 VP of Outreach, Emily C., at outreach@sweboston.org.

  • Engineering Week: Wearable Lights! Come make wearables with LED lights and coin cell batteries. Create clips, badges, or hair bands! 
  • Manchester Essex STEAM Night: Bristle Bots
  • Big Sisters Boston: Environmental Engineering Challenge
  • Big Sisters Boston: Big for a Day
  • Girl Scouts: Girls Scouts STEM Conference
  • Cambridge Science Festival