STEM Re-Entry

We want to help people return to work after a career break. SWE sponsors a Re-Entry Task Force.

Read this article on the SWE Blog about the STEM Re-Entry Task Force, an initiative to help women get back into the workforce:

Local Return-to-Work Programs

For a local solution, SWE Boston has partnered with FlexProfessionals and Google/reachHire to help women re-enter the path of science, technology, engineering, or mathemetics (STEM) after a career break.

SWE Boston has partnered with FlexProfessionals to help women re-enter the the path of science, technology, engineering, or mathemetics (STEM) after a career pause or pivoting back from a non-technical role. FlexProfessionals offers flexible options that work with your schedule, whether the break was to balance personal or professional demands.