SWE Society Conferences

WE23 Los Angeles, California

Save the Date: October 26-28, 2023

Sample Letter from SWE Members to Employers for Sponsorship


City, State ZIP

Dear [Company Name or Manager Name],

At the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), we’ve served women engineers in the United States for over 70 years. Our annual conference, WE20, will be entirely virtual for the first time due to the coronavirus pandemic. It will take place from November 2nd to 13th, 2020 as a 2-week virtual conference and career fair.

At this national conference, SWE will continue to inspire, empower, and educate engineers. The schedule is full of exciting live sessions, semi-live sessions, on-demand sessions, and important business meetings.

As [a SWE Member or Your Role in SWE], I would benefit a lot to attend our annual conference as a member of SWE. As a [Your Role at the Company] of [Your Company] it would benefit us to be represented at the Conference.

It costs [this amount] to register. Can [Your Company] use our unused conference budget to sponsor my registration fee at WE20?

With [Company Name] by our side at this upcoming event, we’re sure to achieve success in serving women engineers in [Your Location].

If available to sponsor, please reach out to me at [contact information]. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, [or With warm regards,]

[Your Name]

[Your Title]