We need volunteers! Running the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Boston Professional Section is a labor of love (seriously, none of us get paid for this) and SWE Boston is looking for active and engaged volunteers to fill the following positions:
- Corporate Liaisons for various companies
- This is primarily a representative position and does not require much of your time. Being there for us is enough. The Corporate Liaison is the main point of contact between SWE Boston and the company you’re affiliated with. Let them know about us. Let us know about them. Our goal is to have a liaison at every corporation with engineers in the Boston area.
- Awards Coordinator
- This position applies to awards on behalf of SWE Boston. This volunteer looks out for awards that SWE Boston can win, collects information from the Executive Council, and sends the applications to those awards.
Please email swebos@sweboston.org with the subject “Open Position” and which position you’re interested in, if interested.
Affinity Leadership Consortium (ALC) Liaison: [OPEN]
Archivist Historian: Beth S
Awards Coordinator: Chavi G
Book Club Coordinator: Erika T
Collegiate Liaison: [OPEN]
(Individual Collegiate Liaisons are listed here)
High School Merit Certificates: Krista W
Nominating Committee:
Mailbox Coordinator: Jenn F
Teller: Andi B
Webmaster: Lisa C
Social Media Director: Alex K

Collegiate Liaisons
Every Collegiate Section must have a SWE Counselor. The Counselor acts as a source of information about SWE and its goals, as a liaison between industry and the Student Section, and as a role model and source of moral support. Counselor responsibilities include reviewing the Section’s annual and financial reports, attending Student Section meetings from time to time, and being on call to answer questions as they arise. The time commitment for this job depends on the Student Section, but it is not more than a few hours per month. If you are interested, please send a message to the Collegiate Section Liaison.
Boston University (F050):
UMass at Lowell (F056):
MIT (F059):
Northeastern (F062):
UMass at Dartmouth (F065):
Tufts (F067):
Wentworth Institute of Technology (F071):
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (F073):
Merrimack College (F078):
Olin College (F081):
Harvard University:
Other Volunteer Opportunities
If you have ideas about new projects that SWE could start or an area you’d like to help out with that is not listed, please send a message to sweboston@sweboston.org.
SWE Boston is a non-profit organization and all of these positions are on a volunteer basis. If you are a committee chair and wish to relinquish your role, please email swebos@sweboston.org.